woman holds jaw in pain

How Long Can You Put Off A Root Canal?

Team Endodontics, Root Canal Treatment

Has your dentist recommended a root canal for one of your teeth? If you have a cavity that is deep enough that it extends into the inner portion of the tooth where the pulp is, a root canal may be the best option for saving the tooth. 

But maybe you’re thinking: I don’t have time for a root canal right now, and I don’t have the budget for it either. How long can you put off a root canal? 

Why You Shouldn’t Put Off a Root Canal

You really shouldn’t put off a root canal for a variety of reasons. 

  • The tooth may get infected. If the tooth is not already infected, a deep cavity that reaches the inner root canal of the tooth can allow bacteria to get inside and infect it. Once the tooth is infected, a root canal needs to be done right away to preserve the tooth. Getting a root canal done proactively can prevent infection and increase the chances of saving the tooth. 
  • The tooth can become very painful. When a cavity reaches the soft pulp inside of the tooth, it exposes the nerves inside. This can lead to a pretty severe toothache that you will not be able to ignore, especially if the tooth gets infected. If you’ve ever had a toothache, you know it’s something you never want to feel again. 
  • You may lose the tooth. A severe tooth infection could result in loss of the tooth. At a certain point the tooth will no longer be saveable with a root canal and will need to be extracted and replaced. It is always best to replace a missing or damaged tooth to prevent the other teeth from shifting out of place due to the gap. 
  • A root canal costs less than a replacement tooth. When it comes to replacing a tooth, you basically have two options: a dental implant or a bridge. A bridge can cost as much as dental implant and involves shaving teeth next to the space.If you have dental insurance, it will typically cover a portion of the cost of a root canal.Insurance may cover a portion of a dental bridge too, but a lot of times doesn’t cover dental implants
  • The infection from your tooth may spread. If your tooth is or becomes infected, without treatment the infection can spread to the other teeth and even enter your bloodstream. An infection that moves through your body can be life threatening. It is in your best interest to get the root canal as soon as your dentist recommends it. 
  • A root canal is nothing like the myth. Somehow the term root canal became synonymous with something long and painful. However, a root canal can be done with local anesthesia and is no more painful and takes no longer than a routine cavity filling. 

What Does a Root Canal Procedure Entail?

If you’re putting off a root canal simply because you are nervous about it, it may help to know what the procedure entails. The dentist will enter the tooth through the crown to access the inner root canal of the tooth. The soft pulp inside will be completely removed, including the infected tissue, and the inside of the tooth will be filled up with special root canal cement .Now that the tooth has no more nerves and blood vessels inside, it can’t become reinfected. Then the dentist fills the access point with the filling or build up and a crown over the root, whichever is necessary. 

If you are still nervous about the procedure, we offer a variety of sedation options to make you feel more relaxed and comfortable. 

Dr. Jamrozek Provides Root Canal Services 

A root canal procedure shouldn’t be avoided. Dr. Jamrozek can evaluate your tooth to determine if a root canal is the best option for saving the tooth. If so, we can perform this procedure quickly and comfortably to restore your tooth and prevent future problems. If cost is a concern for you, we would be happy to discuss financing options so that you can get the care you need immediately. 

Call 973-728-3779 today or contact us to schedule an appointment. We look forward to providing you with quality dental care.