dental technology in dental office

What is Laser Dentistry?

Bon Laser Dentistry, Technology

When it comes to advancements in technology for the field of dentistry, one of the latest buzzwords is laser dentistry. Laser dentistry involves the use of specialized laser dental tools to perform routine dental procedures. The use of lasers vastly improves the patient’s experience both during and after dental procedures. 

Here’s what you need to know about laser dentistry and why you should seek out a dental office that puts this technology into practice.

The Benefits of Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry provides many benefits for patients who undergo dental procedures, such as: 

  • Shorter procedure times. Dental procedures take much less time when laser tools are used. Lasers can do the same task in a fraction of the time as it would take with traditional tools and methods. 
  • Faster recovery. Lasers are less invasive, meaning patients can recover and heal much more quickly following dental procedures. 
  • Less post-procedure complications. Patients who undergo procedures using lasers tend to have fewer postoperative complications such as bleeding or infection. 
  • Reduced need for anesthetic. Procedures performed with lasers are less invasive and less painful, which can reduce or even eliminate the need for anesthesia. 
  • Increased comfort during procedures. Lasers make less heat and vibrations than other dental tools, meaning patients are more comfortable during procedures.  

Procedures that Can Be Done with Lasers

There are a variety of dental procedures that can be performed using laser tools. In some cases lasers are used in combination with other dental tools and for some procedures lasers are the only tool needed. 

  • Cavity fillings. In cavity fillings, lasers can be used to access the decayed portion of the tooth in order for removal. Lasers are also used to solidify the bond between the existing tooth enamel and the filling material. 
  • Gum contouring. Lasers are used in reshaping the gum tissue when there is too much covering the teeth. This is much less invasive than trimming it back with other tools, allowing for less pain and faster recovery. 
  • Root canals. Lasers can assist in performing root canal procedures. The laser creates a much smaller access opening in the crown of the tooth in order to clean out and disinfect the tooth canals.
  • Tooth extraction. Laser dentistry can even make tooth extraction easier. The laser can cut away just a minimal amount of tissue to access the tooth and extract it. This makes tooth extraction less painful and allows for a faster recovery. 
  • Teeth whitening. Lasers can even be used to activate and accelerate the bleaching gel used to whiten teeth, giving patients more effective results. 
  • Treatment for gum disease. When gum disease is severe, lasers can be used to cut away infected or diseased tissue to allow the healthy tissue a better opportunity to heal. 
  • Soft tissue treatment. If you have sores, lesions, or ulcers in the soft tissue of your mouth, lasers can be used to remove them for faster healing. 
  • Treating tooth sensitivity. Sensitive teeth can be corrected by lasers that seal tubules on the roots of the teeth that lead to the nerves. 
  • Tongue frenulum treatment. Babies who are “tongue tied” as it is said, have a condition where the skin connecting the tongue to the bottom jaw is too tight. This can prevent them from being able to breastfeed and may eventually affect their speech. Laser dentistry can be used to perform a frenectomy that frees up the tongue. 
  • Treat obstructive sleep apnea. Lasers can be used to reshape the tissues of the throat to prevent the airway from becoming blocked while you sleep. 
  • Diagnostics. Optical coherence tomography uses lasers to provide a view of the inside of teeth or gum tissue. 

Laser Tools Used in Dentistry

The following tools are commonly used in dental offices: 

  • Waterlase iPlus. This laser tool uses water and air in combination with laser energy to perform dental procedures. 
  • SoftLaseⓇ Pro Soft Tissue Lasers. This laser tool is used primarily for dental procedures that involve the soft tissues in your mouth. 

Dr. Jamrozek Uses Laser Technology to Improve Patients’ Comfort 

If you’re looking for a dental office with up to date technology, Dr. Jamrozek’s practice provides laser dentistry for the comfort and convenience of our patients. We believe in the importance of providing our patients with the best possible dental care using current technology and best practices. 

Call 973-728-3779 today to schedule a consultation or request an appointment. We look forward to providing you with quality dental care.